Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  1. A history of cleaning products
  2. Are all surfactants biodegradable?
  3. Chemical Industry Definitions and Acronyms
  4. Chemical Industry Glossary of Terms - Specialty Chemicals, Materials and Polymers
  5. Freezing Point & Flash Points
  6. How does the use of petrochemical-based ingredients in cleaning products affect our non-renewable resources?
  7. Is there an environmental advantage to using either petrochemicals or oleochemicals? (New Update 2008)
  8. What do the terms "synthetic" and "natural" really mean?

Bond-X Green

  1. Bond-X Green - Leaching Concept
  2. Can I include GP in my Green Purchasing Initiative?
  3. Can I pave my whole driveway with it?
  4. How is Bond-X Green applied?
  5. How much Bond-X Green will my Job Require?
  6. I am concerned about "greenwashing." Is your product really green?
  7. Is it more expensive to be green?
  8. Is the Bond-X Green product actually green in color?
  9. What are my advantages producing Bond-X Green instead of the current Premium Permanent Cold Patch Materials?
  10. What makes Bond-X Green “GREEN”?
  11. Where can I get Bond-X Green?
  12. Will I need to replace Bond-X Green?

Media Storage

  1. Acidic versus Alkaline Post Texture Cleaning in the Disk Drive Industry
  2. Post - Polish & Post Disk Cleaning Processes


  1. Iron Phosphate Conversion Coatings - Calculating Coating Weights.
  2. The chemistry behind cleaning and surfactants






1. A history of cleaning products

A history of cleaning products

The origins of personal cleanliness date back to prehistoric times. Since water is essential for life, the earliest people lived near water and knew something about its cleansing properties - at least that it rinsed mud off their hands.

A soap-like material found in clay cylinders during the excavation of ancient Babylon is evidence that soapmaking was known as early as 2800 B.C. Inscriptions on the cylinders say that fats were boiled with ashes, which is a method of making soap, but do not refer to the purpose of the "soap." Such materials were later used as hair styling aids.

Records show that ancient Egyptians bathed regularly. The Ebers Papyrus, a medical document from about 1500 B.C., describes combining animal and vegetable oils with alkaline salts to form a soap-like material used for treating skin diseases, as well as for washing

At about the same time, Moses gave the Israelites detailed laws governing personal cleanliness. He also related cleanliness to health and religious purification. Biblical accounts suggest that the Israelites knew that mixing ashes and oil produced a kind of hair gel.

The early Greeks bathed for aesthetic reasons and apparently did not use soap. Instead, they cleaned their bodies with blocks of clay, sand, pumice and ashes, then anointed themselves with oil, and scraped off the oil and dirt with a metal instrument known as a strigil. They also used oil with ashes. Clothes were washed without soap in streams.

Soap got its name, according to an ancient Roman legend, from Mount Sapo, where animals were sacrificed. Rain washed a mixture of melted animal fat, or tallow, and wood ashes down into the clay soil along the Tiber River. Women found that this clay mixture made their wash cleaner with much less effort.
The ancient Germans and Gauls are also credited with discovering a substance called soap, made of tallow and ashes, that they used to tint their hair red.

As Roman civilization advanced, so did bathing. The first of the famous Roman baths, supplied with water from their aqueducts, was built about 312 B.C. The baths were luxurious, and bathing became very popular. By the second century A.D., the Greek physician, Galen, recommended soap for both medicinal and cleansing purposes.

After the fall of Rome in 467 A.D. and the resulting decline in bathing habits, much of Europe felt the impact of filth upon public health. This lack of personal cleanliness and related unsanitary living conditions contributed heavily to the great plagues of the Middle Ages, and especially to the Black Death of the 14th century. It wasn't until the 17th century that cleanliness and bathing started to come back into fashion in much of Europe. Still there were areas of the medieval world where personal cleanliness remained important. Daily bathing was a common custom in Japan during the Middle Ages. And in Iceland, pools warmed with water from hot springs were popular gathering places on Saturday evenings.

Soapmaking was an established craft in Europe by the seventh century. Soapmaker guilds guarded their trade secrets closely. Vegetable and animal oils were used with ashes of plants, along with fragrance. Gradually more varieties of soap became available for shaving and shampooing, as well as bathing and laundering.

Italy, Spain and France were early centers of soap manufacturing, due to their ready supply of raw materials such as oil from olive trees. The English began making soap during the 12th century. The soap business was so good that in 1622, King James I granted a monopoly to a soapmaker for $100,000 a year. Well into the 19th century, soap was heavily taxed as a luxury item in several countries. When the high tax was removed, soap became available to ordinary people, and cleanliness standards improved.

Commercial soapmaking in the American colonies began in 1608 with the arrival of several soapmakers on the second ship from England to reach Jamestown, VA. However, for many years, soapmaking stayed essentially a household chore. Eventually, professional soapmakers began regularly collecting waste fats from households, in exchange for some soap.

A major step toward large-scale commercial soapmaking occurred in 1791 when a French chemist, Nicholas Leblanc, patented a process for making soda ash, or sodium carbonate, from common salt. Soda ash is the alkali obtained from ashes that combines with fat to form soap. The Leblanc process yielded quantities of good quality, inexpensive soda ash.

The science of modern soapmaking was born some 20 years later with the discovery by Michel Eugene Chevreul, another French chemist, of the chemical nature and relationship of fats, glycerine and fatty acids. His studies established the basis for both fat and soap chemistry.

Also important to the advancement of soap technology was the mid-1800s invention by the Belgian chemist, Ernest Solvay, of the ammonia process, which also used common table salt, or sodium chloride, to make soda ash. Solvay's process further reduced the cost of obtaining this alkali, and increased both the quality and quantity of the soda ash available for manufacturing soap.

These scientific discoveries, together with the development of power to operate factories, made soapmaking one of America's fastest-growing industries by 1850. At the same time, its broad availability changed soap from a luxury item to an everyday necessity. With this widespread use came the development of milder soaps for bathing and soaps for use in the washing machines that were available to consumers by the turn of the century.

Source: The Soap and Detergent Association.



2. Are all surfactants biodegradable?

Surfactant-based cleaning products are designed to be used with water, be it DI (de-ionized water), RO (Reverse Osmosis) or Tap Water and disposed of down the drain. There they combine with other wastes for treatment in either a municipal treatment plant, an on site chemical treatment process or a household septic tank system. During treatment, microorganisms biodegrade surfactants and other organic materials, ultimately breaking them down into carbon dioxide, water and minerals. Any small amounts of surfactants that remain after treatment continue to biodegrade in the environment. "Extensive laboratory testing and ""real-world"" monitoring studies have shown that the major surfactants biodegrade quickly and thoroughly, and do not present a risk to organisms living in the environment. The slight differences in biodegradation rates that can be shown in laboratory screening tests between petrochemical and oleochemical surfactants are not generally thought of as meaningful in the environment, since both are significantly removed during wastewater treatment. Source: The Soap and Detergent Association."



3. Chemical Industry Definitions and Acronyms

Click on the Chemical Industry Definitions and Acronyms page under Literature and SDS in the top navigation to find out more.



4. Chemical Industry Glossary of Terms - Specialty Chemicals, Materials and Polymers

Click on the Chemical Industry Glossary of Terms - Specialty Chemicals, Materials and Polymers page under Literature and SDS in the top navigation to find out more.



5. Freezing Point & Flash Points

Freeze/Flash Point


1. What are the freezing points of water/Methanol ; water/Ethylene Glycol; water/Propylene Glycol mixtures ? Answer:

Methanol \ Water Mixtures
Methanol Conc.
Wt. % (Vol.%)
Freezing Point,
Flash Point,
(TCC) F (C)
0 (0) 32 (0) No Flash
10 (13) 20 (-7) 130 (54)
20 (24) 0 (-18) 110 (43)
30 (35) -15 (-26) 95 (35)
40 (46) -40 (-40) 85 (29)
50 (56) -65 (-54) 75 (24)
60 (66) -95 (-71) 70 (21)
70 (75) -215 (<-73) 60 (16)
80 (83) -225 (<-73) 55 (13)
90 (92) -230 (<-73) 55 (13)
100 (100) -145 (<-73) 55 (13)


Ethylene Glycol / Water Mixtures
EG Conc
Wt.% (Vol.%)
Freezing Point,
Boiling Point,
F (C)
0 (0 32 (0) 212 (100)
10 (9) 25 (-4) 215 (102)
20 (18) 20 (-7) 215 (102)
30 (28) 5 (-15) 220 (104)
40 (38) -10 (-23) 220 (104)
50 (48) -30 (-34) 225 (107)
60 (58) -55 (-48) 230 (110)
70 (68) <-60 (<-51) 240 (116)
80 (79) -50 (-46) 255 (124)
90 (90) -20 (-29) 285 (141)
100 (100) 10 (-12) 390 (199)


Propylene Glycol / Water Mixtures
PG Conc.
Wt.% (Vol.%)
Freezing Point,
Boiling Point,
F (C)
0 (0) 32 (0) 212 (100)
10 (10) 25 (-4) 212 (100)
20 (19) 20 (-7) 215 (102)
30 (29) 10 (-12) 215 (102)
40 (40) -5 (-21) 220 (104)
50 (50) -30 (-34) 220 (104)
60 (60) -60 (-51) 225 (107)
70 (70) <-60 (<-51) 230 (110)
80 (80) <-60 (<-51) 245 (118)
90 (90) <-60 (<-51) 270 (132)
100 (100) <-60 (<-51) 370 (188)

2. We have a problem with ethanolamines freezing in cold weather. Is there any solution available?

Answer: Yes. If water can be tolerated in your process, low freezing grades of ethanolamines which contain 15 percent water are available. The added water lowers the freezing point of the amines much more than might be expected. Some isopropanolamines are also available in low freezing grades. The following table shows the comparison:

Amine Product
Freezing Pt. (°F) Standard Grade
Freezing Pt (°F) Low Freeze Grade
Triethanolamine 85%
Triethanolamine 99%
LF Grade Not Available
approx. 41

3. What are the freezing and flash points of water / Isopropanol mixtures?

Answer: Isopropanol / Water Mixtures

IPA Conc. Vol. % (Wt.)
Freezing Point, F(C)
Flash Point, (TCC) F (C)
0 (0)
32 (0)
No Flash
10 (8)
25 (- 4)
105 (41)
20 (17)
20 (- 7)
85 (29)
30 (26)
5 (- 15)
75 (24)
40 (34)
0 (- 18)
70 (21)
50 (44)
- 5 (- 21)
65 (18)
60 (54)
- 10 (- 23)
65 (18)
70 (65)
- 20 (- 29)
65 (18)
80 (76)
* - 35 (- 37)
65 (18)
90 (88)
* - 70 (- 57)
65 (18)
100 (100)
* -130 (<-73)
53 (12)

* Temperatures at which super cooling often occurs.

4. What are the freezing and flash points of water / Ethanol mixtures?

Answer: Ethanol / Water Mixtures

EtOH Conc. Vol. % (Wt.)
Freezing Point, F(C)
Flash Point, (TCC) F (C)
0 (0)
32 (0)
No Flash
10 (8)
25 (- 4)
135 (57)
20 (17)
15 (- 9)
105 (41)
30 (26)
5 (- 15)
90 (32)
40 (34)
-10 (- 23)
80 (27)
50 (44)
- 25 (- 32)
80 (27)
60 (54)
- 35(- 37)
80 (27)
70 (65)
*- 55(- 48)
80 (27)
80 (76)
* - 75 (- 59)
75 (24)
90 (88)
* - 110 (<-73)
65 (18)
100 (100)
* -175 (<-73)
55 (13)

* Temperatures at which super cooling often occurs.

5. Should I be concerned about the freezing point of solvents?

Answer: Most solvents have a low enough freezing point that storage is not a problem. However, there are those that are exceptions such as tert-Butanol with a freezing point of 79°F and Cyclohexane with a freezing point of 43°F.

6. We have freezing problems with Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) 50 percent liquid. Are there other alternatives?

Answer: Caustic Soda liquid 50% has a freezing point of approximately 52-54°F, mixtures of Caustic Potash 45% (Potassium Hydroxide) and Caustic Soda 50% (Sodium Hydroxide) liquid can be used to lower the freezing point without a large reduction in active alkalinity.

45 % Caustic Potash liquid, wt %
50 % Caustic Soda liquid, wt %
Freezing point °F
Reduction in Active Alkalinity %

Source: Ashland Chemical Corporation., MSDS Authoring Services



6. How does the use of petrochemical-based ingredients in cleaning products affect our non-renewable resources?

Negligible quantities of fossil resources are consumed in the production of cleaning product ingredients. "Out of the annual worldwide production of crude oil and natural gas, fewer than four hours are needed to produce a one-year supply of surfactants for cleaning products. There is sufficient crude oil to sustain the use of petrochemicals as major surfactant raw materials well into the future. Still, the soap and detergent industry recognizes that petroleum reserves are finite and that it needs to take extra care to ensure that this resource is not wasted. Source: The Soap and Detergent Association."



7. Is there an environmental advantage to using either petrochemicals or oleochemicals? (New Update 2008)

There is no inherent environmental advantage to using one surfactant source over the other. (This statement now is questionable and not generally accepted..per NuGen's Dr. Klean.) Whether the source is animal fat, plant oil or crude oil, there are energy requirements and environmental wastes involved throughout the sourcing and production stages of turning raw materials into surfactants. Researchers using a process known as life cycle inventory (LCI) have calculated and compared the total energy used and wastes created and disposed to air, water and soil in processing surfactants based on petrochemicals and those based on oleochemicals. Their general conclusion is that there are environmental trade-offs associated with both sources. For example, while oleochemical surfactants are derived from a renewable resource, they typically produce more air emissions and solid waste. Petrochemical surfactants, on the other hand, consume more total energy, since they are made from resources used as energy. Source: The Soap and Detergent Association. New for 2008: The above statements, while they have much in scientific basis, don't consider the full reasons for renewable chemistries. Made from renewable resources. See our BioKlean brand of products page for more information on this subject.



8. What do the terms "synthetic" and "natural" really mean?

Consumers and end users should be wary of the term "natural" when used to describe cleaning products. All of the chemicals used to make the ingredients that go into cleaning products are found in nature. Very few chemicals extracted from plants or the earth are used without further processing to obtain ingredients that perform a cleaning function. Thus, the term "natural" to describe a final product can be misleading. "For example, claims for ""natural"" cleaners usually refer to the surfactant, the product's primary cleaning ingredient. Almost all the products used for personal cleansing, laundering, dishwashing and household cleaning are surfactant-based. Surfactants are chemicals that reduce the surface tension of water, so the water can quickly wet a surface and soil can be loosened and removed. Surfactants are made from petrochemicals (derived from crude oil or natural gas) or oleochemicals (derived from fats and oils). Some types of surfactants can be made from either raw material source. Petrochemicals are often termed ""synthetic"" materials, while oleochemicals are sometimes called ""natural."" Both have ""natural"" sources, since crude oil is extracted from the earth and oleochemicals come from plants or animals. ""Whatever their source, surfactant raw materials have to be chemically converted, or synthesized, before they can become useful ingredients in cleaning products. In its final form, a surfactant based on oleochemicals is similar to the same surfactant based on petrochemicals. This similarity enables manufacturers to use either or both types of surfactants in their cleaning products. Availability, cost, ease of formulation, and desired product form and characteristics are the deciding factors. Source: The Soap and Detergent Association.





Bond-X Green

1. Bond-X Green - Leaching Concept

Removal of materials by dissolving them away from solids is called leaching. The chemical process industries use leaching but the process is usually called extraction, and organic solvents are often used. The theory and practice of leaching are well-developed because for many years leaching has been used to separate metals from their ores and to extract sugar from sugar beets. Environmental engineers have become concerned with leaching more recently because of the multitude of dumps and landfills that contain hazardous and toxic wastes. Sometimes the natural breakdown of a toxic chemical results in another chemical that is even more toxic. Rain that passes through these materials enters ground water, lakes, streams, wells, ponds, and the like. Although many toxic materials have low solubility in water, the concentrations that are deemed hazardous are also very low. Furthermore, many toxic compounds are accumulated by living cells and can be more concentrated inside than outside a cell. This is why long-term exposure is a serious problem; encountering a low concentration of a toxic material a few times may not be dangerous, but having it in your drinking water day after day and year after year can be deadly. (School of Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180)



2. Can I include GP in my Green Purchasing Initiative?

Yes, Bond-X Green is considered and environmentally preferable purchase (EPP). It is also the first product to be endorsed by the National Green Energy Council.



3. Can I pave my whole driveway with it?

Yes you could - but that is not the intended use of Bond-X Green. Bond-X Green is a maintenance and repair asphalt product.



4. How is Bond-X Green applied?

Bond-X Green is applied in the same manner as the conventional asphalt products. You merely need to brush sweep out the area to be repaired. Since it is ready to use, you can easily apply Bond-X Green directly out of the bag or via shovel- you compact the product and it’s ready for traffic immediately.



5. How much Bond-X Green will my Job Require?

Click here for our calculator.



6. I am concerned about "greenwashing." Is your product really green?

Yes! Some other companies are calling their cold patch products green simply because they contain recycled asphalt and yet they still contain harmful chemicals and have high VOC's. We are truly green in that we have completely removed the toxic solvents from our product. And yes, we include recycled asphalt. We use recyclable bags. We have drastically lowered our use of fossil fuels in production. We have greatly reduced our carbon footprint and we are constantly looking for new ways to positively impact our environment.



7. Is it more expensive to be green?

Not at all. Bond-X Green is priced competitively with traditional cold mix asphalt. Please call us at 888-996-8436 for current pricing.



8. Is the Bond-X Green product actually green in color?

No- Bond-X Green is not actually green in color; it is only green in properties. Once applied, Bond-X Green will cure to a natural asphalt color- which is black. The product's name has been derived from its ecological properties.



9. What are my advantages producing Bond-X Green instead of the current Premium Permanent Cold Patch Materials?

1- Bond-X Green, has zero VOC's while the currently available Cold Patch Materials have up to 35% VOC (in liquid binder form). Asphalt plants producing Bond-X Green can reduce their VOC emissions by >75% switching to Bond-X Green. 2-Bond-X Green requires lower temperatures (175F) during mixing with aggregate. Other products require up to 400F temperatures. Cost savings of 25% are achievable in energy costs alone. Reducing carbon footprint significantly. 3- Bond-X Green contains no Toxic ingredients as is much safer for employees involved in production to work around.



10. What makes Bond-X Green “GREEN”?

Bond-X Green contains 40-60% recycled material. We reduce our production temperatures, we eliminate the use of petroleum-derived products (inside our mix) and we lessen the need for quarrying of virgin materials due to our high recycled content.



11. Where can I get Bond-X Green?

Currently, the best way to purchase Bond-X Green is directly through Cold Mix Manufacturing. Please call 888-996-8436 where we handle municipal and consumer purchases or any size quantity. Soon, we hope that it will be available in your local do-it-yourself hardware stores.



12. Will I need to replace Bond-X Green?

No, you do not need to replace Bond-X Green. Once applied, Bond-X Green will remain in its application for as long as the surrounding pavement stays stable. It is a permanent repair and not a temporary product.





Media Storage

1. Acidic versus Alkaline Post Texture Cleaning in the Disk Drive Industry

This is a description of an all media Storage (Disk industry) alkaline cleaning process. See Process Chart here Acid cleaning can fix residues, of oily materials, such as fatty acids, hydrocarbon oils and silicone oils on the surface. That is acid will make them more strongly attached to the surface. As a result, they will be more difficult to remove in the subsequent alkaline cleaning steps, especially when a brush cleaning step is used. In your A/C process, the acidic disks will partially neutralize the alkalinity, making the alkaline cleaner weaker. When the disk is put in the brushing stage, the oily substances will smear, or spread, on the PVA and will not be removed completely with the subsequent alkaline cleaning. If highly alkaline cleaner is used through the whole process, the oily substances will not adhere to the PVA because of the high alkalinity on the PVA. The theory behind acid cleaning is that a mild etch of the disk will remove more completely the contaminants. This may work to some extent on particulates, but not on oils. We can accomplish a mild etch as well, a very good particle removal as well as oil removal with our highly alkaline cleaners such as; NuWet DT 78 or NuWet DT 58. The process: After texturing, the disks go back to the cassette in the holding tank. The holding tank can be D. I. Water, or a 1 % Texturing fluid. Next the disks go into a soak tank. This should be 8 % by volume NuWet DT 78. The disks can stay there 15 to 90 minutes. Ideally, 30 minutes. Next the disks go into the Oliver I, there is no need to rinse in between. Use 2 % by volume NuWet DT 78 spray. Next the disks go into MD07. If there is an ultrasonic or a soak tank, use 5 % by volume of NuWet DT 78. In the spray stage use 2 % by volume NuWet DT 78. After the laser, Oliver II, Use 2 % by volume spray. In the MD08, If there is an ultrasonic or a soak tank, use 5 % by volume of NuWet DT 78. In the spray stage use 2 % by volume NuWet DT 78.



2. Post - Polish & Post Disk Cleaning Processes

Post - Polish & Post Texture Disk Cleaning Processes

A. Two – Step Acid/Alkaline Cleaning

Acid Cleaners are not recommended for soap–type texturing fluids. When applied the soap ingredient is converted to fatty acid on oily water insoluble liquid. This liquid is not easily removed from the disk surface in subsequent alkaline cleaning steps.

Acid cleaning can also fix residues of oily materials on the surface;, such as fatty acids, hydrocarbon oils and silicone oils. The acid cleaner will make them more strongly attached to the surface. If an acidic cleaner is used in the brush-cleaning step, the oily substances will smear or spread on the PVA and the disk surface will be more difficult to remove completely with the subsequent alkaline cleaning.

However, if you would like to use the “two – step” cleaning process, then you can use the following acidic cleaners:

NuWet DA31C

Our acidic cleaners can be used in spray, immersion, ultrasonic and scrub stations.

They are formulated to clean soap containing texturing fluids.

For the alkaline cleaning step you can use:

NuWet DM 36, NuWet DM 41, NuWet DM 49, NuWet DM 50, NuWet DT 67, NuWet DT 75, NuWet DT 78

These are heavy duty alkaline cleaners for difficult to remove organic residues, and particulates.

Our cleaning products can be tweaked to meet your cleanliness requirements. Or, we can custom formulate a new cleaner for you exclusively.

B. Alkaline Cleaning

Mildly alkaline products can be used in the post-texture spray and immersion steps.

These products will remove the texturing fluids containing soaps without converting the soap into fatty acid, as well non-soap fluids. It is important to remove most of the texturing slurry in the early stages of cleaning. These products are buffered.

Mild alkaline buffered cleaners:

NuRinse BR 33, NuRinse BR 54, NuRinse BR 55

Then, stronger alkaline cleaners can be used in the pre-sputtering cleaning step. These products will remove organic residues, diamond particles and swarf. They are non-chelated.

High alkalinity cleaners:

NuWet DM 30, NuWet DM 41, NuWet DT 64, NuWet DT 67, NuWet DT 72, NuWet DT 78

Ni/P Plated Disks, Post – Polish

Removing Aluminum oxide slurry can be accomplished with acidic cleaners such as:

NuKlean AC 205, NuKlean 209

Or, mild alkaline cleaners such as:

NuRinse BR 33, NuRinse BR 54, NuRinse BR 55, NuWet DM 42

Colloidal Silica can be removed with:

NuWet DM 42, NuWet DM 43, NuWet DT78

Glass Disks

Post – Polish Cleaning

Alkaline cleaners are most effective in removing the polishing slurry. The following products can be used.

NuWet DM 33, NuWet DM 36, NuWet DM 41, NuWet DM 50, NuWet DT78

Post – Texture Cleaning

Alkaline cleaners are most effective in removing texturing slurries, including particulates. You can use the following:

NuWet DM 41, NuWet DM 46, NuWet DM 50, NuWet DT78

As a pre – sputter cleaner you can use our unique acidic cleaner NuKlean GD 11.

Removing Unusual Contaminants From Glass Disks

We can custom formulate cleaners to remove specific contaminants from your disks.






1. Iron Phosphate Conversion Coatings - Calculating Coating Weights.

Phosphate coating procedure -- NuKoat Series of Products

For best results with Iron Phosphating these parameters should be followed for 35-50 mg/ft2 coating weights.

  • Spray (superior coating and cleaning over immersion)
  • Minimum Pressure: 300 PSI at >3 GPM
  • Temperature: 120 -140 F
  • Time: 60-180 Seconds (coating weights will increase with longer contact times).

Start from the bottom and work vertically up surface for large pieces. Ensure complete impingement, under pressure, of NuKoat 33MF for a minimum of 60 seconds on entire surface. DO NOT ALLOW the surface to dry down during processing.

Guidelines for achieving desired coating weights:

1. Spray coating weights 25 - 50 mg/ ft2

  • Temperature: 120 - 140 F
  • Concentration: 2-4 % By volume
  • Time: 1 - 2 minutes

Laboratory Q-Panel Testing on mild 1010 steel: 120 F @ 2 % b.v., 90 sec will give coating weights of 30 - 45 mg/ft2


  • On cast iron coating weights will be slightly lower than mild steel. Use 130 - 140 F to get 30 - 45 mg/ft2.
  • In cold weather or on cold metal surface, especially large pieces metal should be heated or processing could require an extra 30-60 seconds

Direct contact time is critical along with prior removal of surface grease and oils. NuKut 33 MF is designed to provide adequate cleaning of mildly soiled work pieces.

2. Immersion with light agitation:

mild steel (1010) - 120 F, @ 2 % b.v., 2 - 3 minutes, 35 - 50mg/sq. ft.


(1) Want to determine your own coating weights for all of your conversion coating processes or compare conversion coatings from one supplier to another. Click here for FEDERAL SPECIFICATION: TT-C-490E: CHEMICAL CONVERSION COATINGS AND PRETREATMENTS FOR FERROUS SURFACES (BASE FOR ORGANIC COATINGS)


  • Government Applications
  • Navy (Std Missile, Phalanx, RAM, Tomahawk)
  • Air Force (ACM, AMRAAM)
  • NASA
  • DOD Prime Contractors
  • Industrial Applications
  • Aerospace
  • Boilers
  • Air Conditioners
  • Fusion Rollers (copiers, laser printers, etc)
  • Aluminum Construction Materials



2. The chemistry behind cleaning and surfactants

To understand what is needed to achieve effective cleaning, it is helpful to have a basic knowledge of soap and detergent chemistry.

Water, the liquid commonly used for cleaning, has a property called surface tension. In the body of the water, each molecule is surrounded and attracted by other water molecules. However, at the surface, those molecules are surrounded by other water molecules only on the water side. A tension is created as the water molecules at the surface are pulled into the body of the water. This tension causes water to bead up on surfaces (glass, fabric), which slows wetting of the surface and inhibits the cleaning process. You can see surface tension at work by placing a drop of water onto a counter top. The drop will hold its shape and will not spread.

In the cleaning process, surface tension must be reduced so water can spread and wet surfaces. Chemicals that are able to do this effectively are called surface active agents, or surfactants. They are said to make water "wetter."

Surfactants perform other important functions in cleaning, such as loosening, emulsifying (dispersing in water) and holding soil in suspension until it can be rinsed away. Surfactants can also provide alkalinity, which is useful in removing acidic soils.

Surfactants are classified by their ionic (electrical charge) properties in water: anionic (negative charge), nonionic (no charge), cationic (positive charge) and amphoteric (either positive or negative charge).

Soap is an anionic surfactant. Other anionic as well as nonionic surfactants are the main ingredients in today's detergents. Now let's look closer at the chemistry of surfactants.


Soaps are water-soluble sodium or potassium salts of fatty acids. Soaps are made from fats and oils, or their fatty acids, by treating them chemically with a strong alkali.
First let's examine the composition of fats, oils and alkalis; then we'll review the soapmaking process.

Fats and Oils

The fats and oils used in soapmaking come from animal or plant sources. Each fat or oil is made up of a distinctive mixture of several different triglycerides.

In a triglyceride molecule, three fatty acid molecules are attached to one molecule of glycerine. There are many types of triglycerides; each type consists of its own particular combination of fatty acids.

Fatty acids are the components of fats and oils that are used in making soap. They are weak acids composed of two parts:

A carboxylic acid group consisting of one hydrogen (H) atom, two oxygen (O) atoms, and one carbon (C) atom, plus a hydrocarbon chain attached to the carboxylic acid group. Generally, it is made up of a long straight chain of carbon (C) atoms each carrying two hydrogen (H) atoms.


An alkali is a soluble salt of an alkali metal like sodium or potassium. Originally, the alkalis used in soapmaking were obtained from the ashes of plants, but they are now made commercially. Today, the term alkali describes a substance that chemically is a base (the opposite of an acid) and that reacts with and neutralizes an acid.

The common alkalis used in soapmaking are sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also called caustic soda; and potassium hydroxide (KOH), also called caustic potash.

How Soaps are Made

Saponification of fats and oils is the most widely used soapmaking process. This method involves heating fats and oils and reacting them with a liquid alkali to produce soap and water (neat soap) plus glycerine.
The other major soapmaking process is the neutralization of fatty acids with an alkali. Fats and oils are hydrolyzed (split) with a high-pressure steam to yield crude fatty acids and glycerine. The fatty acids are then purified by distillation and neutralized with an alkali to produce soap and water (neat soap).
When the alkali is sodium hydroxide, a sodium soap is formed. Sodium soaps are "hard" soaps. When the alkali is potassium hydroxide, a potassium soap is formed. Potassium soaps are softer and are found in some liquid hand soaps and shaving creams.

The carboxylate end of the soap molecule is attracted to water. It is called the hydrophilic (water-loving) end. The hydrocarbon chain is attracted to oil and grease and repelled by water. It is known as the hydrophobic (water-hating) end.

How Water Hardness Affects Cleaning Action

Although soap is a good cleaning agent, its effectiveness is reduced when used in hard water. Hardness in water is caused by the presence of mineral salts - mostly those of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), but sometimes also iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn). The mineral salts react with soap to form an insoluble precipitate known as soap film or scum.

Soap film does not rinse away easily. It tends to remain behind and produces visible deposits on clothing and makes fabrics feel stiff. It also attaches to the insides of bathtubs, sinks and washing machines.

Some soap is used up by reacting with hard water minerals to form the film. This reduces the amount of soap available for cleaning. Even when clothes are washed in soft water, some hardness minerals are introduced by the soil on clothes. Soap molecules are not very versatile and cannot be adapted to today's variety of fibers, washing temperatures and water conditions.


A detergent is an effective cleaning product because it contains one or more surfactants. Because of their chemical makeup, the surfactants used in detergents can be engineered to perform well under a variety of conditions. Such surfactants are less sensitive than soap to the hardness minerals in water and most will not form a film.

Detergent surfactants were developed in response to a shortage of animal and vegetable fats and oils during World War I and World War II. In addition, a substance that was resistant to hard water was needed to make cleaning more effective. At that time, petroleum was found to be a plentiful source for the manufacture of these surfactants. Today, detergent surfactants are made from a variety of petrochemicals (derived from petroleum) and/or oleochemicals (derived from fats and oils).

Petrochemicals and Oleochemicals
Like the fatty acids used in soapmaking, both petroleum and fats and oils contain hydrocarbon chains that are repelled by water but attracted to oil and grease in soils. These hydrocarbon chain sources are used to make the water-hating end of the surfactant molecule.

Other Chemicals
Chemicals, such as sulfur trioxide, sulfuric acid and ethylene oxide, are used to produce the water-loving end of the surfactant molecule.

As in soapmaking, an alkali is used to make detergent surfactants. Sodium and potassium hydroxide are the most common alkalis.

How Detergent Surfactants Are Made

Anionic Surfactants
The chemical reacts with hydrocarbons derived from petroleum or fats and oils to produce new acids similar to fatty acids.

A second reaction adds an alkali to the new acids to produce one type of anionic surfactant molecule.

Nonionic Surfactants
Nonionic surfactant molecules are produced by first converting the hydrocarbon to an alcohol and then reacting the fatty alcohol with ethylene oxide.

These nonionic surfactants can be reacted further with sulfur-containing acids to form another type of anionic surfactant.


These types of energy interact and should be in proper balance. Let's look at how they work together.

Let's assume we have oily, greasy soil on clothing. Water alone will not remove this soil. One important reason is that oil and grease present in soil repel the water molecules.

Now let's add soap or detergent. The surfactant's water-hating end is repelled by water but attracted to the oil in the soil. At the same time, the water-loving end is attracted to the water molecules.

These opposing forces loosen the soil and suspend it in the water. Warm or hot water helps dissolve grease and oil in soil. Washing machine agitation or hand rubbing helps pull the soil free.
Source: The Soap and Detergent Association.